About me

About me


I’m James Minardi, a Computer Engineering student passionate about developing innovative and cutting-edge solutions for computer graphics, and GPU & ML architecture. I have gained a solid foundation in these areas through my coursework, personal projects, and professional experience.

I’ve been involved with everything from CPU, GPU, and machine learning hardware design and implementation, to graphics drivers and software applications.

In my free time I enjoy playing volleyball, riding my motorcycle, listening to music, and drinking coffee :)

Thank you for checking out my site!

Personal Projects

I am currently working on showcasing my personal projects on this website. You can see what I’ve posted so far by navigating to the categories tab.

Work Experience

During my sophomore year, I co-oped at BAE Systems, Inc. where I developed and tested advanced processing software for real-time embedded GPS receivers. This was my first working experience to be able to apply everything I’ve learned in the classroom thus far to a production product, and was a pivotal moment in my education and growth as an engineer.

My junior year I interned at Musco Sports Lighting. I was on their emerging technology R&D team to bring affordable AI tech to the sports market. My time there was spent creating the foundation for an AI and video processing platform for current and future products to build on top of.

For my last year, I am actively looking for an internship opportunity in Summer/Fall 2024 before I graduate in May 2025.

My resume showcases key responsibilities of each of my previous work experiences if you are interested in learning more.


If you would like to get in touch with me, you can reach out via email or LinkedIn.